Summers are good. From our pretty floral dresses to breezy sea-sides, everything about the season is amazing – except the sun tan that sticks to your skin and never goes back! We all know that tan can become stubborn and stay for a long time on our skin. So how to remove tan from skin, so that you no longer have to worry about stepping out in the sun? Here are some of the proven ayurvedic tips to remove tan from the times of our great grand-mothers:
- Lemon Juice and Honey – Magical combo of lemon juice and honey is proven for showing instant results in removing skin tan. Lemon is proven to remove melanin causing agents in our skin and honey nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Combine both the ingredients and apply daily for 2 weeks, and be amazed by the results. This can be considered one of the best tan removers.
- Tomato and Rice Flour – Try this, you wouldn’t be disappointed: Take juice of 1 tomato and mix it with 1 teaspoon of rice flour. Apply this paste as a scrub for your face and you would be amazed to see how it removes sun tan instantly. It is a great scrub to be often (once every fortnight) to remove dead skin. Tomato is a rich source of Vitamin C, which has a track record in Ayurveda, to increase antioxidants and lighten skin complexion.
- Gram Flour and Turmeric – Since ancient times, turmeric is said to be a powerful source of anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce scarring. Gram flour also exfoliates dead skin cells, making the skin appear fresh and rejuvenated.
- Papaya and Honey – Not to miss this super food, which is not just sweet and tender in taste, but also comes with proteolytic papain enzyme – that is high in dietary fiber and rich in Vitamins and Minerals. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that papaya is one of the best tan removers, when it comes to home remedies.
- Orange Juice and Yogurt – Mix one tablespoon of orange juice in yoghurt and apply to tanned areas. Leave it on for half an hour before rinsing it off with water. This will easily remove sun tan from face and hands. Vitamin C present in orange will give your skin a boost and the tan would fade off.
- Coconut Water and Sandalwood – Sandalwood is loaded with medicinal properties, and coconut helps in detoxing. Together they make a very cheap yet effective tan removal product. Take 1 tablespoon coconut powder and 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder and use as a pack. All those sunburns that you have got from Goa can be cured with this pack.
While it may be tedious and time consuming to use household remedies sometimes, Boutique has a range of products that are brimming with the goodness of real, natural and ayurvedic ingredients, to remove tan from face.
Bio Papaya Scrub is blended with pure papaya fruit which clears the dead cells. Papaya has a gentle refining action that uncovers the skin’s natural brightness. So it gently removes the tan from the skin and revitalises it.
You may also want to give The Bio Anti Tan Kit a try, as it constitutes the benefits of papaya in face wash, scrub and fruit pack. This protects the skin against heavy sun damage with amazing products.
The Bio Aloe Vera Gel, on the other hand, is a nutrient-rich lotion with pure aloe vera and sunflowers oils to give a larger coverage against UVA and UVB rays and hence considered one of the best tan removers.
Confused about your skin type or want some consultation for your skin type? Share with us the details with your concerns and we would get back with our best product suited for you.
Sun tan, ta-da!